Thursday, August 29, 2013

Awards and The Draft Lottery

Hello all, hope your summer so far has bee….actually, I don’t care.

Lets talk about the offseason hardware general managers have taken home

Jack Adams – Another year of GM Court Watson of the Everett Silvertips being overwhelmingly viewed as the best GM by his peers, taking 85% of the vote.  In accepting the award, Court was stunned to find out he had peers.

Eugene Adams – From the Anze Cup champion to arguably the worst team in the league and trading away his best players, GM Steve McIntyre of Jesse Loves Paymon is a disaster, taking home 71% of the voting as the worst GM.  Keep it up, the league loves the donation

Andy Kordyban – As long as you have been to, the winner of this award, for the third consecutive year with 71% of the vote, needs no explanation.  Well done.

The draft lottery was completed today, and there was a stunning turn of events.  Despite having just a 5% chance of landing the first pick, the Texans were the lucky team.  The draft order, prior to adjustments from trades, is as follows each round.

Pick Team
1 Texans
2 Me So Vyborny
3 Jesse Loves Paymon
4 Dr. Hook
5 Crosby's Concussions
6 Pistol's Hellcats
7 Not Poodle
8 Kanucks
9 Anzoolander
10 Captain Chinese
11 Bizarrohawks
12 Flowers In The Cage
13 Super Sperm
14 Everett Silvetips

‘But wait!’ you say, who was the witness?  Well folks, that is the beauty of technology.  I present to you the full draft lottery recorded in real time.  Seven minutes and twenty nine seconds of fascinating stuff (it gets super boring after sixteen seconds).

Great stuff, huh?  Trades and impact on draft picks can be seen on the trades and transactions tab of this blog (select the 2012-2013 trades tab of the Excel workbook embedded on that page, or just download it into Excel).  Hopefully people start making some trades as we get closer to the season start (32 days!).  Once Yahoo! opens up the new league registration, we will nail down a draft time.  As a reminder, all trades must go through commissioner approval.  We have had two off season trades so far as teams rebuild, here is to hoping there is a lot more.